My granddaughter absolutely loves her new bed! It is super easy to inflate and folds nicely into a little bag when she's away. The kit came with everything needed to use it.
Perfect For Camping
We took this on our camping trip for our 5 year old. It packed neatly into a cary bag and even had a pillow. Our son loved the blue color.
Casey S.
Sleepah Queen Bed
My wife and I loved our new inflatable bed. It doesn't deflate like the old one and the built in pump is very convenient. Thank you Sleepah!
Sleepah Promise
We promise you will love your new Sleepah product. That is why we offer our 30 money back guarantee on all of our products!
Sleepah was founded by parents for parents. My husband Rudy and I have two beautiful children Michael and Amanda. We were looking for an inexpensive, functional sleeping solution when getting away. Thats when the Sleepah toddler bed was born. Our set comes with everything you need to take your little ones camping or to grandma.